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THE Worthy Women Online Magazine

The Worthy Women Movements, online magazine RISE, features women who are rising in their greatness. Issue #3 theme is SELF CARE. If you would like to be a contributor in Issue 3 click below.


April 5-6 2025



Women Rise Bali Retreat

12-19 October 2025

Take your writing to new levels

Join the 5 day Video


This Challenge is extraordinary if you want to practice your public speaking and in turn increase your presence and visibility in your business and be seen as the expert.  If you’re a coach or an author or any woman that wants to become a more CONFIDENT speaker, this FREE Challenge is for you

Welcome to the
Worthy Women Movement –

A place to RISE into your greatness

The Worthy Women Movement is about ALL women embracing their greatness within, it’s about connecting to that amazingly authentic part of you and not having to pretend or ignore those deep desires and dreams that you have any longer.   

Stepping into your greatness is about increasing your self-belief, courage, confidence and creativity, whilst you prioritise your self-care and follow YOUR divine mission.  It’s about recognising all those AMAZING gifts that you have AND believing more in yourself and your mission. 

The Worthy Women Movement can help provide you with a selection of divine offerings to truly help you RISE.   It’s time for more women to own all their incredible gifts within that they may have neglected, forgotten about or ignored.  It’s time to STOP hiding away and realising that YOU are just as important and have potent stories to share. 

Worthy Women Gold Wings | Jo Worthy

My Vision:

I want to help women to become more VISIBLE, CREATIVE and being able to ACTION all those deepest desires and goals, not allowing their fear to prevent them following their true mission and not allowing circumstances or other people to prevent them from reaching their pinnacle! 

I want to see more women in business writing chapters and books,  and becoming published authors. 

I want to see more women on stages sharing their powerful stories, knowledge and wisdom and becoming a public speaker to attract their ideal clients as they promote themselves and their divine offerings. Sharing their powerful work out to the masses! 

I want to see more women becoming visible and owning all of their talents and becoming their BEST version in both their business and personal life.  No more being invisible and the ‘best kept secret’.  I want women to step into their COURAGE and know that their powerful story, knowledge and wisdom needs to be shared to bigger audiences. 

I also want women to prioritise their self-care! This is why I create such blissful and beautiful events and retreats so that busy and exhausted women can prioritise their own self-care to a whole new level of BLISS.  I believe that a well-rested woman who feels nurtured and nourished can become unstoppable in her search for her greatest potential and helping impact others to a much greater extent. 

I want to create events and retreats to not only create exquisite life-long memories but real long-long positive shifts in their lives, including having the courage and confidence to create more impact and influence.  To realise that they are just as important and that they deserve to SHINE brightly and RISE into their GREATNESS. 

Orchids | Ubud | Bali Bliss Retreats | Jo Worthy

Where it all started …

I started listening to those deep callings within my heart and soul and was intuitively guided to create a BIG event.  The Worthy Women Conference 2023 was birthed in its full incredible glory on March 11-12, 2023. During the 12-month process of planning and creating the Conference, I realised it was a much bigger calling than just one event, and that’s when I decided create an entire MOVEMENT and the 
Worthy Women Movement
 was birthed!    I am now very excited that this movement has expanded and more wonderful offerings added to really help women RISE.  The Worthy Women Movement is becoming a real community of women who celebrate one another and know there is no competition as we celebrate other women shining brightly, we can as well! It’s a beautiful energetic reaction.   Here’s to YOU rising to become your very best version.  Love
JW Logo Final
Jo Worthy | Worthy Women Movement

Women RISE Conference 2025

RISE Worthy Woman Conference 2025

Divine Woman

We are ready to do it all again in 2025 - You're invited to the next annual Worthy Women RISE Conference.

Next year it will be held in Brisbane (venue to be advised) on Saturday 5 April – Sunday 6 April. Put these dates in your calendar and I hope to see you there.

All details, including sponsors and speakers to be announced in a few months.

It will be another weekend of business wisdom, personal development, personal stories shared, lucky door prizes (supporting Local charity Lily House), gift bags, fun, live entertainment and motivational music. So much goodness, connection and celebration!

Here's to you all rising in your creativity, visibility and feminine leadership.

Subscribe to the Worthy Women Movement RISE online magazine.

The Worthy Women Movements, online magazine RISE, features women who are rising in their greatness.

Do you want to become a RISE Magazine contributor?

The Worthy Women Movements, online magazine RISE, features women who are rising in their greatness.