I am JO WORTHY and I am the Founder of the Worthy Women Movement, proud author of Love Worthy, the lead author of Rising In Worth, Wealth & Wisdom and a motivational speaker specialising in women’s empowerment.
The reason I am so passionate about helping other women, is that I know the pain of not feeling good enough, of not being truly authentic not stepping into my absolute greatest.
I was a woman with very little self-confidence, was fearful of NOT being liked, worrying there was something wrong with me and allowing the judgements and non-acceptance of others to hold me back from who I truly am.It was in my mid 40’s that I decided ENOUGH WAS ENOUGH and that I WAS DONE with accepting mediocrity, including make a FIRM decision that I would no longer attract relationships that were abusive.
I feel your pain if you are frustrated and disconnected from your true divine purpose, second-guessing yourself, constantly worrying if you are enough and wanting to be liked and accepted by everyone. I too was that woman who lacked a lot of courage, self-confidence and self-worth and I knew I had to change my mindset, become more accountable, step more into my courage and start getting serious about creating a life that was far more balanced, happier and BLISSFUL. I also know that we can all change we just need to understand our WORTH and know that we are enough and are deserving.
Was it an easy journey? Absolutely not as change is never easy!
Fast forward 15 years and I am a very different woman to one that I was.
I am following my divine purpose, doing work I love; and I married my Mr Jo Worthy – how ironical after spending most of my life increasing my self-worth.
I created the Worthy Women Movement, as I had a very strong vision to want to help inspire women to step more into their greatness and part of being able to do this is increasing your COURAGE. I also have a passion for creating events that are blissful, allow women to connect back to their hearts and also create exquisite life-long memories and positive shifts in their lives.
In my book Love Worthy, I outline my story and how I overcome a lot of betrayal and adversity. My journey has been a BIG one and many painful lessons have been learnt that have played a crucial role in helping me to become the vulnerable, yet courageous and resilient woman that I am today. At times it was tough and I felt like I was undergoing some extreme initiations before I could get to the place where I am now, it took a lot of digging deep and a refusal NEVER to quit.
There have been many times in my life that I have had to step deeply into my courage, and I am now a huge advocate for other women doing this. Courage is not the absence of fear but it’s about “feeling the fear and doing it anyway”. When I started my business 9 years ago, every-day I was stepping way out of my comfort zones. I also knew that I had to get over my fear of public speaking and my overall insecurity of becoming more visible.
In life and business, it’s imperative that we step into our courage so that we can grow and expand and also do the things that our heart and soul truly desire. To be able to speak our truth, stand tall and make a difference in the world and to create strong healthy boundaries. I am now very passionate about helping other women to connect to their courage and step into their greatness and do those things that there heart and soul truly desire.
Much love