The Speaker Hub

Are you an author, speaker, or a coach wanting more opportunities to be mentored and to speak so you can
attract more professional speaking gigs?

The Speaker Hub | Jo Worthy | Worthy Women Movement

The New Worthy Women Movement Speaker Hub
is the place to be!

Under the Worthy Women Movement, I have created the Speakers Hub for all women who want to become more visible & create more impact with their public speaking. The Speaker Hub will be particularly valuable for emerging and experienced authors, coaches and speakers, who want to share their powerful story, knowledge and expertise by speaking on various platforms, online and face-to-face.

We all have a powerful story to share!

Stories can help inspire CHANGE
Stories can motivate ACTION
Stories can touch our HEART

This Speaker Hub is for you is you have written a book, have published or about to, or you are a woman in business who wants to develop her speaking and looking for various avenues to be able to do this.

The speaker hub is for you is you want to expand your reach and create far more impact and influence in your market.  If you are already an author, or about to be, this is a no-brainer to join.

I witness so many authors who have not mastered their signature talk and are missing out on incredible opportunities to promote their book. A book that they have put their heart and soul into and deserve more recognition and consequently, able to create more impact with their incredible story.

Whether you are a business, life or intuitive coach, you need to be raising your profile and speaking is the perfect way to do this.

You too have incredible wisdom and knowledge to share – many of you have also written a book or been a co-author in one and it’s time for you to become more visible and to capture more audiences.

The Worthy Women Speaker Hub will provide hub members speaking opportunities at their online summits as well as being invited into each Summit’s Zoom to be part of the Q&A. 

Each member will be given a special invitation to be part of the Speaker’s Panel at the face-to-face yearly Worthy Women RISE Conference to be held on 16-17 March 2024.

Worth Woman Summit

Another incredible benefit is that...

If you are an author, there will also be an AUTHOR EXHIBITOR TABLE offered to you at the conference where you can display your book(s). In addition, I am also offering to Speaker Hub Members, discounted sponsorship packages. 

Some of these packages not only include entry and exhibitor table, but also speaking opportunities to really help you to connect to a room of passionate & creative women!  

I Want To Invite You to Join The Speaker Hub

The Speaker Hub offers:

As the Founder of the Worthy Women Movement, author of ‘Love Worthy’, and co-author in 3 books, as well as being a motivational speaker, I am so passionate about women reigniting their creativity and providing mentoring and opportunities for other women so that they can become not only a good speaker but a GREAT one.  I want to witness you, see you, hear you and be your best cheerleader as you expand your speaking expertise. 

After 10 years of delivering my signature talk in all different forums, from online to face-to-face events, and conquering my  huge fears around public speaking, I now want to share my wisdom and knowledge to help and inspire other women.  I want to see more women speak on stages, extraordinary women that are not celebrities, ex-sports stars or politicians, become more visible as they step into their courage, increase their self-confidence and rise into their greatness with their speaking as they share their powerful stories and wisdom.  

My vision is for you to join the Speaker Hub as a passionate and creative woman, helping create a ripple effect of more women mastering their speaking and allowing their creative gifts to reach a broader
audience online and face-to-face.

If you are a woman who wants to become more visible, not feel alone when it comes to improving your speaking and also be surrounded with other women supporting and celebrating you, whilst providing more opportunities to get offered professional speaking gigs, then I invite you to join

The Worthy Women Speaker Hub.

This is a yearly membership
Your investment is ONLY $444!

Membership is now FULL - Doors open again next October for a November start.
Fill out the form below to get a notification.

Speaker Hub Inclusions:

My mission for the SPEAKER HUB is that I want to see more extraordinary female speakers up on stage, giving them a chance to share their
incredible stories and wisdom!

This is a yearly membership
Your investment is ONLY $444!

Membership is now FULL - Doors open again next October for a November start.
Fill out the form below to get a notification.

I hope to connect with you in the SPEAKER HUB.

A place to be seen
A place to heard
A place to be encouraged
A place to be celebrated

Here’s to you RISING into your greatness as an engaging, unique & magnetic speaker and sharing your book,your story and your
expertise to greater audiences.